We are committed to customer satisfaction. We will keep the customer in mind at all times 

and make the quality of our products and services our highest priority.

Unique and Amazing Premium Ink Markers

With no doubt, we have known the white board markers will leave a stain on the white board?

화이트 보드 마커가 반드시 화이트 보드에 얼룩을 남길 것이이라고 생각하시나요?

The white board at work still remained what we wrote in the last meeting, which we had a few days ago. Since the ghost of marker did not get wiped up as easily as we thought, we have always been concerned about our children writing on the floor or wall. We have always wanted to improve this problem. It can get wiped up perfectly and easily after writing on the monthly or weekly planning board without dusts and a ghost. On the white board, our Amazing premium board marker will surprise you with the pleasure of writing based on, new technology ink, developed by JKTeck .

직장에 있는 화이트보드는 며칠 전 지난 회의에서 썼던 내용이 그대로 남아 있습니다. 마커의 자국은 생각보다 쉽게 지워지지 않아 항상 아이들이 바닥이나 벽에 글을 쓰는 것을 걱정했습니다. 우리는 항상 이 문제를 개선하고 싶었습니다. 월간 또는 주간 계획 게시판에 글을 쓰고 나면 먼지와 자국없이 완벽하고 쉽게 지울 수 있습니다. 화이트보드에 놀라운 프리미엄 보드마커는 JKTeck이 개발한 신기술 잉크를 기반으로 하는 필기의 즐거움으로 당신을 놀라게 할 것입니다.

Special features

Core Retention Technology

Electronic Chemistry

Point/Adhesive for FTCB and electromagnetic shielding

Optical Cleary Adhesive for LCD Lamination

Anti-oxidation primer ink using conductive polymer

Conductive coating ink using CNT and ITO

FTCB 및 전자파 차폐용 점/접착제

LCD 적층용 Optical Cleary 접착제

전도성 고분자 활용 산화방지 프라이머 잉크

CNT, ITO 활용 전도성 코팅 잉크

더블클릭하여 내용 수정. 단락 구분(P 태그)은 Enter로,
줄 바꿈(BR 태그)은 Shift + Enter 로 사용할 수 있습니다.

Electronic Material

ITO glass and film for tunnel panel

Optically coated glass and chemically tempered glass for touch panel

Micro Dimple Patterning Glasser for Optical Acid / Shielding

Development of New Liquid Crystal through Liquid Crystal material

터널패널용 ITO 글래스 및 필름

터치 패널용 광학 코팅 글래스 및 화학 강화 유리

광학산 / 차폐용 Micro Dimple 패터닝 글래서

Liquid Crystal 재질을 통한 New Liquid Crystal 개발

JKTeck Patent for Product

Ink compound for board marker

and manufacturing method thereof

Application number 10-2019-0045150

Ink compound for board marker and manufacturing method thereof, which gives you the great feeling of smooth writing and it can be wiped up easily and perfectly, and never flies dusts.

유광 또는 무광 보드에서 판서 및 지움이 용이하며 미세한 잉크 가루의 흩날림이 발생하지 않는 보드마카용 잉크 조성물 및 그 제조방법

Marking pen design patent

Application number 30-2018-0042580

Ergonomic Design Marking Pen

인체 공학적으로 설계된 펜

Special features

Electronic Chemistry

Point/Adhesive for FTCB and electromagnetic shielding

Optical Cleary Adhesive for LCD Lamination

Anti-oxidation primer ink using conductive polymer

Conductive coating ink using CNT and ITO

FTCB 및 전자파 차폐용 점/접착제

LCD 적층용 Optical Cleary 접착제

전도성 고분자 활용 산화방지 프라이머 잉크

CNT, ITO 활용 전도성 코팅 잉크

Electronic Material

ITO glass and film for tunnel panel

Optically coated glass and chemically tempered glass for touch panel

Micro Dimple Patterning Glasser for Optical Acid / Shielding

Development of New Liquid Crystal through Liquid Crystal material

터널패널용 ITO 글래스 및 필름

터치 패널용 광학 코팅 글래스 및 화학 강화 유리

광학산 / 차폐용 Micro Dimple 패터닝 글래서

Liquid Crystal 재질을 통한 New Liquid Crystal 개발

Core Retention Technology

Ink compound for board marker

and manufacturing method thereof

Application number 10-2019-0045150

Ink compound for board marker and manufacturing method thereof, which gives you the great feeling of smooth writing and it can be wiped up easily and perfectly, and never flies dusts.

유광 또는 무광 보드에서 판서 및 지움이 용이하며 미세한 잉크 가루의 흩날림이 발생하지 않는 보드마카용 잉크 조성물 및 그 제조방법


Marking pen design patent


Application number 30-2018-0042580



 Ergonomic Design Marking Pen




인체 공학적으로 설계된 펜


JKTeck Patent for Product

Basic features of current board marker ink

The conventional ink causes the problem if staining on the surface at the short or long time.

Special features of JK BOARD MARKER

The ink developed by JK Teck has special ingredients that can be erased up clearly from the suface even after long use.

Data Comparison

The Comparison test of being wiped upon whiteboards with passing of time.


Liquid Type Marker

JK Teck whiteboard marker, first recognized in North America and Europe

북미 및 유럽에서 인정받은 JK Teck 화이트보드 마커

Liquid Whiteboard Marker



Non-toxic / No dust / Vivid color / Low-odor / Ghosting free / Huge amount of ink.

Domastic & International  business performance

Japan Daiso

Contracted with Japan Daiso for the supply of free flow system whiteboard marker 

as 300,000 ~ 1,000,000 per month, starting with 150,000 trial order.

Domastic & International  business performance

Exclusive contract 

An exclusive contract for Europe/North America/Canada With Bi-silque

2019.05.31 Exclusive Alliance in EU/USA


Filter Type Marker

Filter Whiteboard Marker



Non-toxic / No dust / Vivid color / Low-odor / Ghosting free / Huge amount of ink.

Ergonomically design.

Domastic & International  business performance

KAKAO Friends

Collaboration with Kakao friends launched first Kakao board marker onto Korean market.


Whiteboard Eraser

Whiteboard Eraser Refill type

Cork Whiteboard Eraser

The Portuguese quality is an eraser made of good cork and has a built-in magnet, 

so you can attach it to the board and use it. 

The surface of the eraser is made of a microfiber eraser, so it is soft and clean.

Whiteboard Eraser Refill type

Sponge Whiteboard Eraser

It is a sponge pad that is thicker and more sticky than regular sponge and 

neatly removes boa ink that falls in a gel form.